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Showing posts from January, 2019


TOP 10 SUPER BIKES OF THE   WORLD    As fast as the world is diving headlong to a massive sea of upheavals, a lot has also changed since we last featured  the top ten most expensive big motor bikes in the world . For one thing, the new lowest entry at number 10 clocks at almost a hundred and thirty grand more than its predecessor, while the 1 million dollar tag price of the previous number one, the highly regarded Cosmic Starship by Harley Davidson seems “paltry” now compared to the latest title holder, Neiman Marcus Limited Edition Fighter, which clips the bar at an awesome 11 million dollar mark. What makes this doubly amazing is that Neiman Marcus Limited Edition Fighter started life at $110,000 before its ultra unique design caught the fancy of a lot of people and consequently sent its market price rocketing to the stratosphere. Is this a clear sign of things to come? Not by any chance, and as any economist would tell you, predicting trends is as unwieldy as relying on

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